Tuesday, March 31, 2009

on your mark...

Well, here is the first entry of what will be an ongoing beacon of opinion. A lot of what is the undercurrent of today's market remains outside of the dissection of the popular media. I have created this blog in order to broach this absent, to encourage dialogue...and promote thinking in a "buyer be aware" environment.

In this climate, it is no longer necessary that that I identify that there are converging issues of enormous scale. Or what I call issues of "social tectonics". People are beginning to get the idea that there are large issues at play here.

However, there is much more to be told.

Stick around, over the next few months I will begin to post imperative "news" that will begin to draw an outline so that the dissection follows a rational path. Once you are on this path of knowledge I hope that you will become more "aware" as either a buyer or a seller.